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九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站助理教授
2010年9月-2014年7月 河内大学中文系 本科
2011年9月-2015年7月 河内大学英文系 本科
2015年9月-2017年8月 台湾天主教辅仁大学跨文化研究所 硕士
2017年9月-2021年12月 台湾政治大学东亚研究所 博士
2022年1月-2023年7月 台湾“中央研究院”政治学研究所博士后研究员
2023年8月-2024月7月 台湾师范大学东亚学系助理教授
International Relations between China and Southeast Asia
1. Nguyen Cong Tung (forthcoming). “Does Reputation Matter? Explaining China’s Evolving Strategy in the South China Sea Disputes.” Issues & Studies.
2. Nguyen Cong Tung (2024). “From former foes to friends: strategic adjustment in America’s security policy toward Vietnam and the influence of the China factor.” The Pacific Review, 37(1), 181-210. https://doi.org/10.1080/09512748.2022.2142273.
3. Nguyen Cong Tung (2023). “Chinese Economic Statecraft in Southeast Asia and Its Uneven Impact in Laos and Cambodia.” Issues & Studies, 59(4). https://doi.org/10.1142/S101325112350011X.
4. Nguyen Cong Tung (2023). “History Repeating Itself: Chineseness in Premodern Vietnam and Its Influence on Contemporary Vietnam’s Policy toward China and Southeast Asia.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 56(2), 58-80. https://doi.org/10.1525/cpcs.2023.1811813.
5. Nguyen Cong Tung (2022). “U.S.-China Covid-19 Vaccine Diplomacy Competition in Vietnam: Where Vaccines Go, Influence May Follow.” Australian Journal of International Affairs, 76(6), 653-671. https://doi.org/10.1080/10357718.2022.2077302.
6. Huang Chiung-Chiu* and Nguyen Cong Tung (2022, May). “Dancing Between Beijing and Taipei: Vietnam in the Shadow of the Belt and Road Initiative.” The China Review, 22(2), 315-339.
7. Nguyen Cong Tung (2022). “Uneasy embrace: Vietnam’s responses to the U.S. Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy amid U.S.–China rivalry.” The Pacific Review, 35(5), 884-914. https://doi.org/10.1080/09512748.2021.1894223.
8. Nguyen Cong Tung (2021, August). “U.S.-China Economic Decoupling: Vietnam’s Role and Responses.” Prospect & Exploration, 19(8), 93-114.
9. 阮功松(2020年03月)。从「避险」到「软制衡」:美国的策略如何改变越南的中国政策,2014~2019。问题与研究,59(1), 135-185。
10. 阮功松(2019年12月)。旧情还是新欢?中国经济劝诱对寮国的越南政策之影响。东亚研究,50(2), 117-158。
1. 阮功松(2022)。《民之所欲常在我心?民意对越南对美与对中政策之影响》。中国学的泛亚社群系列,台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心,台北。ISBN: 978-986-5452-85-8
1. 阮功松(2024年05月)。「第五章:柬中铁杆朋友?柬埔寨对中国政策的抉择」,徐遵慈主编《东南亚国家转型路口下的抉择与蜕变》, pp. 117-144。台北,台湾东南亚国家协会研究中心。ISBN: 9789869154147
2. Nguyen Cong Tung (2022, June). “Dancing between giants: Vietnam’s Position within U.S.-China Strategic Competition.” In Chien-wen Kou, Chiung-Chiu Huang, Brian Job, eds. The Strategic Options of Middle Powers in the Asia-Pacific, pp. 195-214. Routledge.
3. Ahmet Faruk ISIK; NGUYEN Cong Tung (2021, August). “Dünyanın Yeni Üretim Merkezi Olma Yolunda Vietnam ve Ekonomisi” [Vietnam as Upcoming Production Hub of the World and Vietnam Economy]. In Yalçın KAYALI, Aysun HARPER eds. Türkiye'de Vietnam Çalışmaları-I [Vietnam Studies in Turkey I], pp. 73-92. Ankara, Turkey: Ankara University. (both in Turkish and English language)