
协办单位:九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站
承办单位:上海同济城市规划设计研究院-九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站社会学系“城市与社会研究中心”、同济大学城镇化与社会发展研究中心
1.《参会回执表》欢迎登录九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站官网/,点击“通知公告”栏目查看网页版会议预告,并下载回执表。
3. 大会在收到参会者完整论文后,将向与会者发送正式的参会确认函。
钟晓华,九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站社会学系助理教授 xhzhong@tongji.edu.cn
章超,九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站社会学系讲师 zhch1029@aliyun.com
杨辰,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院讲师 yangchen@tongji.edu.cn
邓世碧,城市与社会研究中心 g.h.xas.good@163.com
“City and Society” International Forum (Tongji University, China 2017)
The first City and Society International Forum held in Tongji University in 2015 was a remarkable success, which attracted considerable attention and built a stable foundation for Tongji University to promote interdisciplinary cooperation among Urban Sociology, Urban Planning and other related fields and construct our international academic research network. The organizers of the forum have invited dozens of renowned experts and launched 10 phases of Urban Dialogue Workshops during 2016, relying on the support of Tongji University, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, School of Political Science and International Relations, Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Institute and the Academic Committee of City and Society Research Center. Looking ahead, the Second City and Society International Forum is to be held in Tongji University this year.
Title and Theme
“City and Society” International Forum (Tongji University, China 2017)
Sustainable and Inclusive Development: Diverse Practices of Global Cities
Context, Aim and Contents
As urbanization, globalization and digitization aggravating in recent years, the economic, social, political and cultural injustices in cities are sharpening. Transforming our world by 2030: A new agenda for global action and New Urban Agenda presented by the United States took inclusive development as an important issue; for many cities, building a multiple, balanced, justified, mobile, active, safe, stable and inclusive society has become a strategic target; at the same time, China has added inclusive development as one of the necessary precondition to realize the national goal of economic development in its 13th Five-Year Plan. That is to say, inclusive development is becoming both worldwide consensus and Chinese discourse.
This conference will focus on the issue of sustainable and inclusive development, and bring together experts studying urban and social issues in different academic areas both home and abroad to discuss the theory construction and multiple practices about inclusive development of global cities around the world, in order to facilitate the cross-disciplinary and cross-border dialogue and interdisciplinary cooperation of related fields.
This forum will last for 2 days, featuring a wide variety of events including the opening ceremony, keynote speeches, thematic workshops and roundtable discussions. The symposium aims to facilitate multi-dimensional academic discussion around theory-building, empirical research, planning practices and policy innovations.
Right to the City and Spatial Justice
Diverse Populations and Social Integration
Stakeholder Collaboration and Urban Renewal
Global Vision and Governance Innovation
Urban Ecology and Environmental Stewardship
Time, Venue, Host, Organizers and Co-organizers
Time: 28-29th Oct., 2017
Venue: Wenyuan Building, Tongji University
NO, 1239, Siping Rd., Yangpu District, SH, CN
Host: Tongji University
Organizers: School of Political Science and International Relations, Tongji University
College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute
Liberal Arts Office, Tongji University
Co-organizers: City and Society Research Center
Urbanization and Social Development Research Center, Tongji University
Deadlines for Submitting Abstracts and Full-Text Papers
Abstracts for individual papers (250 words max.) are invited by 31th August 2017. The deadline for submitting full-text papers is 30th September, 2017. Submission should be in Word format and include in the following order: name, institutional affiliation, email address and paper title. Please send abstracts and papers to city_society_2017@126.com.
Registration Fee and Other information
The conference is free for registration fee. And the conference will help arrange for board and lodging for participants. All the accommodation and round-trip tickets fee will be paid by participants themselves or be reimbursed by participants’ institutions.
Dr. Zhong Xiaohua, E-mail: xhzhong@tongji.edu.cn
Dr. Zhang Chao, E-mail: zhch1029@aliyun.com
Dr. Yang Chen, E-mail: yangchen@tongji.edu.cn
Ms. Deng Shibi, E-mail: g.h.xas.good@163.com