
Date: Monday, 25/4/2016
Location: Room 1402, Zonghe building, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Time: 9:00AM-5:00PM
Agenda of Seminar
Theme: National Governance: EU Experience & International Comparison
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:30 Welcome and Opening Statements
Chair:Prof. Liu Shuyan
Welcoming Remarks:
9:30-9:45 Group Photo
9:45-10:45 Panel I: Global & European Models of Governance
Chair: Prof. Qiu Huafei
Keynote Speech (15 minutes each):
10:45-10:50am Tea Break
10:50-11:50am Panel II: National tradition & Mass Communication
Chair: Prof. Ilaria Poggiolini
Keynote Speech (15 minutes each):
12:00-13:20pm Lunch Location: Lobby Coffee house of Zonghe building
13:30-15:00pm Panel III: Justice & Legal System of Governance
Chair: Prof. Axel Berkofsky
Keynote Speech (15 minutes each):
15:00-15:15pm Tea Break
15:15-16:45pm panel IV: international comparison of Governance
Chair: Prof. Shao Chunxia
Keynote Speech (15 minutes each):
Axel Berkofsky: EU-China Cooperation in International and Regional Governance-Problems and Obstacles
Qiu huafei: Global Governance and Sino-US Relations
Zhou Minkai:Analysis on Basic Dimensions of the Modernization of National Governance by The Coordinated Development Perspective
16:45-17:00pm Concluding remarks
Prof. Ilaria Poggiolini Pro-rector of Pavia University
Prof. Qiu Huafei Vice dean of school of political science & international relations
17:30pm Dinner Location: Sanhaowu restaurant, Tongji University